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Solar Star Power - Domestic Solar Panels

Solar Panel Installation

​The Midland’s Independent
Solar Energy Specialists


Domestic Solar Panel Installers

As energy prices soar, more households across the UK are turning to domestic solar panels to reduce energy bills and play a part in becoming more environmentally friendly, safeguarding our planet for generations to come. 


At Solar Star Power, we understand each household has unique energy needs, so we specialise in providing solar panel systems that are tailored to you, your energy needs and your home. Solar Star Power can offer high-quality, affordable Solar Power Systems to Homes across the West Midlands, including Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Shropshire with a vast range of options, with the latest photovoltaic cells and reliable solar power systems.

Why Choose Solar Star Power to install your Solar Panels?


  • ​MCS Certified: Our installations meet industry-expected levels of quality

  • Expertise: We work with leading solar panel brands like Panasonic, Sharp, and JA Solar.

  • Guided Installations & Planning: Our technical team designs the most efficient solar installations tailored to your needs, certain solar installations require planning permission. Solar Star Power have a long association with B3 Architects who have an over 95 percent planning approval rating!

  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Make your home eco-friendly and sustainable whilst reducing reliance on the grid.

  • Local Focus: We understand the specific solar energy needs of our customers in the Midlands.

How do Solar Panels Work?

The sun emits light, which is made up of tiny particles called photons. Solar Panels are devices which are used to absorb the sun's rays, the photons, and convert them into electricity. Each panel is a collection of solar (or photovoltaic, PV) cells, which are used to generate electricity. An inverter is installed to convert the electricity from DC to AC, which can then be used to power your home or will get stored in your battery.

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​Types of Solar Power Systems for your Home


Combine Solar Panels with Battery Storage for Ultimate Efficiency

Integrate your solar PV system with a cutting-edge battery storage solution and unlock a world of extended benefits for your home. By storing the power your solar panels generate, you gain unparalleled control over your energy consumption.

This synergy optimises your energy use and offers the reassurance that regardless of external factors (varied energy tariffs) or seasonal changes, you're always powered by affordable, eco-friendly energy. Especially as most households experience a surge in energy demands during late afternoons and evenings, having a reservoir of stored energy proves invaluable. 

Key Benefits of Domestic Solar Panels:

  • Cost Savings: Generate free, green electricity and make substantial savings on your energy bills.

  • Solar Income: Any surplus power generated can be sold back to the grid.

  • Financial Stability: With rising energy prices, solar power offers a fixed return on investment for clean energy.

  • Lower Carbon Footprint: Make your home eco-friendly and sustainable whilst reducing reliance on the grid.

  • Energy Security: In an era of increasing energy demands and regulations, our solar installations serve as an excellent backup measure.

What happens once I have made an enquiry?

​10 Year Warranty on Installs...

10 Years on all Parts & Labour 

25 Years for Solar Panel Performance

20 Years on Solar Edge HD Wave Inverters


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Solar Panels for your Home

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